““Stephen Trafton’s performances of Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians drew me and my church into those letters in a way that’s unmatched. Paul is heard. His heart and mind are felt. An audience is moved. God’s Word lives!”
experience ephesians
Meet Tychicus, one of Paul’s most loyal companions, who has journeyed far from Rome to bring one of Paul’s letters to many churches around Ephesus in Asia. In his introduction as Tychicus himself, Stephen will give your congregation a first-hand look at one whose life has been transformed by Paul’s friendship and who communicates Paul’s love and passion in person. Tychicus interacts with the audience as if they were the first-century church and tells fascinating stories about Paul. Through him, the church learns how much Paul knows about what they are going through: fear and insecurity, competing voices about what kind of wisdom leads to human flourishing, an overemphasis on personal encounters with God, and pressure to accommodate to the surrounding culture. This sets the context for your congregation to hear Stephen deliver (as Paul) the full letter to the Ephesians, one of Paul’s most breathtaking addresses communicating the hugeness of the gospel drama and the incredible role the church plays in that drama.
Through this immersive and imaginative performance, your congregation can encounter Paul’s words in their proper context and experience with power how first-century churches may have received God’s Word. As you see parallels between the experiences of the original audience and your own lives, you will be reminded of the awe of God’s eternal plan for the cosmos, the personal and communal transformation the gospel brings, and the implications for living out our new humanity in the church, in the world, and in our families while remaining clothed in the armor of God.
Performer: Stephen Trafton
Runtime: 40 mins.
“What a privilege to experience the Living Letters through the incredible gifts of Stephen Trafton. His engaging, and flawless presentations of both Colossians and Philippians are mesmerizing encounters with Scripture. Northland Church is extremely grateful for his unique delivery of God’s Word.”